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Women who are committed to positive leadership

Pilar Llacer 1

The "Great Resignation" grows 110% in Spanish companies


“No one is born a manager. You grow based on preparation, effort and doing things well by putting passion into it”


EAE Business School Madrid, in the presentation of the CAM accelerators to promote innovation and entrepreneurship

EAE Emprende
innovation day

Open Innovation Challenge

VI Edition of Building Leaders at EAE Business School Madrid

Charla moda

The phygital experience and the 4.0 user in Fashion and Beauty

Master en Dirección de Marketing en Moda y Belleza
Next Generation

EAE Business School Madrid, chosen as project accelerator by the Community of Madrid


More than 100 students from different EAE Madrid Masters attend a Masterclass on Cybersecurity at Banco Santander

Sandra Magro

Sandra Magro, Cotec environmental expert, gives a session on the Anthropocene era

Máster de Innovación y Customer Experience
Ranking EDUniversal 3

The EAE Madrid Master's in Stock Market and Financial Markets is internationally recognized in the Eduniversal Best Master 2022 ranking

EAE en los Rankings
Venture Camp 1

Víctor Mur, from Start Up Lean Waste, gives a session to EAE Emprende Madrid students

EAE Emprende
Foto Pais 1

Emilio Amade from the newspaper El Mundo shows the students of the Master Customer Experience & Innovation how to transform data into visual stories

Marketing and Digital Transformation Area
Ranking QS Stars

EAE Business School Madrid receives the highest distinction from QS Stars for educational quality

EAE en los Rankings
Open Innovation 1

Four innovation experts from Iberia, Ribera Salud, Cabify and Elewit participated in the EAE Open Innovation Day.

EAE Emprende
Microsoft 2

José Antonio Ondiviela at EAE Madrid: "Smart cities face the challenge of digital transformation".

Presentación Master Moda y Belleza 2

EAE Business School Madrid launches a Master's Degree in Fashion and Beauty Marketing Management

Visita a la bolsa 3

EAE Business School Madrid Master in Finance students visit the stock exchange

Libro agilidad 1

"Agility is the present and the future"

Carreras profesionales