Máster en Dirección Comercial y Ventas
Marketing & Digital Transformation

Master in Commercial and Sales Management

  • Executive
  • Weekend - Spanish
  • 60 ECTS
  • Abr. 2025 - 12 months
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Presentation of the Master in Commercial and Sales Management

This master's degree is taught in SPANISH.

Markets are evolving at a dizzying rate, driven by the emergence of new technologies and the increase in global supply and competition.

All this requires companies to embrace a process of constant renewal, leading them to demand professionals with competencies and skills to drive forward changes in their processes.

In this extremely dynamic landscape, the objective is not only to sell but also to generate customer loyalty and consolidate their sense of belonging.

With this in mind, the Master in Commercial and Sales Management of EAE Business School Madrid is designed to train the cutting-edge commercial directors of the future, emphasizing key aspects such as quality and efficiency in the organization’s processes.

The program will equip you to acquire the knowledge and competencies required to plan effective sales strategies based on your technical and analytical vision, enabling you to go a step further and capitalize on opportunities that others cannot see.


On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: Master in Commercial and Sales Management from EAE Business School and the Master in Commercial and Sales Management by the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE)

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

Enroll now and start enjoying your career boosting plan.*

From the moment of your enrollment we will start working together in the materialization of your professional project through a personalized development plan. Are you going to miss it? Request information and we will explain it to you.

*This service applies only to on-site programs.

Reasons to take the Master in Commercial and Sales Management

in EAE Business School
  1. New vision of Commercial Management:  Discover the key factors in implementing innovative new processes in customer-oriented and market processes, based on the analysis of the opportunities and risks posed by the latest trends.
  2. Innovation and Digital Transformation:  Acquire the knowledge required to oversee a data-based commercial strategy in an organization with the context of a new technological reality.
  3. Leadership and Coaching:  Develop the competencies needed to lead high-performing sales teams.
  4. Global Strategic Visions:  You will get a comprehensive overview of the company, with the benefit of a full understanding of the commercial strategy within the organization.
  5. Networking:  You will be connected to the professional setting that interests you most, training alongside professionals from different industries and backgrounds.
  6. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Commercial and Sales Management with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
Top 4
Master in Commercial and Sales Management in Spain

El Mundo Ranking 2023

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Best business school in the world/Europe

El Economista Ranking 2022

Best Business School in Spain
Student Profile
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Liquid Organizations, Open Innovation and New Businesses in the Digital Age - 6 ECTS

  • Organizational complexity and the organization as a complex adaptive system
  • Digital transformation, an additional aspect of organizational complexity
  • Key concepts of digital transformation
  • Liquid organizations. Definition and understanding
  • The dimensions of liquid organizations
  • New methodologies for managing the strategic portfolio
  • The open innovation culture, a key factor in adaptability and change management
  • The Commercial Director tackling the challenge of digital transformation
  • Key factors in new business management in a liquid world
  • Types of digital company and business
  • New business models in advanced competitive environments with a high digital component
  • Open innovation
  • Concept, models, tools, success stories and case studies

Market Research and Sales Forecasts, Key Factors in Business Strategy Development - 6 ECTS

  • Introduction to research
  • Research phases
  • Information sources
  • Types of research
  • Quantitative research
  • Qualitative research

Development of Company and Business Strategies - 6 ECTS

  • Strategy. Fundamental concepts
  • Evaluation of business strategies: Viability/Efficacy
  • Strategic positioning. Corporate and competitive strategies
  • Strategic objectives. Analysis and strategic plan
  • The commercial strategic plan
  • Contingency plans: Risk planning
  • Marketing business planning. Marketing: Concepts and tools
  • Product policy
  • Pricing policy
  • Communication policy
  • Distribution policy

Omnichannel Strategies and E-Commerce - 6 ECTS

  • Origin and reasons for distribution models. Agents in the system and trade marketing
  • Channel and omnichannel design. End-customer delivery
  • Analysis of the physical point-of-sale. Operational and logistical challenges. Masters of retail. Analysis of the main architects of modern retail through their key lessons
  • E-Commerce

Sales Network Management and its Adaptation to New Ways of Working - 6 ECTS

  • New organizational structures: The evolution and transformation of companies in liquid structures
  • Salesperson selection
  • Formation of the sales network
  • Remuneration of the sales team
  • Sales network control system analysis

Alliance and Strategic Customer Management. The Role of the KAM - 6 ECTS

  • The sales function and sales management
  • The sales team
  • Organigrams and class structures
  • Exploiting information for sales
  • Contract types and account plans
  • Pricing strategies for sales
  • Relationship marketing and sales
  • Relationship and trade marketing
  • Product Management/services in KAM
  • Evaluation and control of commercial activity
  • Introduction to the world of franchising

Business Analytics and New Sales Forecast Models. The Impact of Data-Centric Technologies on Sales Team Productivity - 6 ECTS

  • Business Analytics and New Sales Forecast Models. The Impact of Data-Centric Technologies on Sales Team Productivity
  • Data and reality. Data, information and knowledge
  • Data analytics and report generation and interpretation
  • Planning commercial actions
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Sales forecasting and strategic planning
  • Most widely used Machine Learning techniques. Introduction and concepts
  • Steps in the data analysis process
  • Customer contact techniques without human intervention
  • Social listening techniques and customer sentiment analysis

Soft Skills: Leadership, Negotiation and Management Control for Commercial Directors - 6 ECTS

  • Learning to lead people
  • Introduction to negotiation
  • Useful techniques in a distributive negotiation
  • The most complex negotiations
  • The power of negotiation
  • Limitations of negotiation
  • Training new Business Officers

Master’s Thesis - 12 ECTS


Minors are elective courses that enable you to personalize your Master and build a study program tht has the scope for new disciplines aligned with your profesional interest and goals. They act as real communication links that enable you to explore other areas of knowledge and connect them to yours. Minors multiply your opportunities for networking and expand your professional horizons. The range of Minors on offer varies depending on the intake and campus.

Choose between:

  • Application of AI in Business
  • Stategy and Data Analytics
  • Fintech: Technology for Finance
  • Marketing automation and marketing intelligence
  • Neuromarketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales management Innovation
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities
  • Scalling Up: Strategies for business growth management
  • Project management techniques
  • Corporate Wellbeing: Leading Wellbeing Strategies
  • Business Agility
  • Leadership: Team development techniques


Explore new areas of knowledge and boost your employability by acquiring the competencies in the highest demand.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Commercial strategies and plans

Draft and implement commercial plans that enable us to achieve our goals with an omnichannel approach to boost business potential.

2. Team Leadership

Develop the competencies required to motivate a team to achieve its goals through a remuneration policy and training program designed to promote continuous improvement.

3. Expectation Management

Understand processes and a differentiating and strategic tool, encompassing everything from customer service and logistics right through to product delivery.


Eduardo Correa

Eduardo Correa

Managing Partner of Ephemeral Life, Consulting and Business Management. 

Degree in Business Management and Marketing, Graduate in Marketing and Executive MBA from ESIC Business & Marketing School. Master in Communication and New Technologies Management from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. PhD in Information Science from UCM. 

Susana Cabada

Susana Cabada

Director of Digital Business and Multichannel at Liberbank.

César Moreno

César Moreno

Independent business consultant.

Lisardo de Pedro

Lisardo de Pedro

Bachelor in Business Administration from the University of Humershide, Master in Commercial Management and Marketing (GESCO) from ESIC and Rey Juan Calos Uniiversity, Master in Financial Management (MDF) from ESIC, Bachelor in Commercial Management and Marketing from ESIC, and PhD in Legal and Social Sciences.

Javier Lorente

Javier Lorente

Founder of Edicara Consulting and Technology Advisor for Customer Experience at Takarabune +25 years of experience in technology business and teaching in different institutions Telecommunications Engineer and PhD in Economics.

Ángel Andreu Escario

Ángel Andreu

Board director Grupo INHISA CEO, A2A Solutions.

Jorge López

Jorge López

D. in Economics and Master in Control and Strategic Planning in General Management from Universidad Camilo José Cela.

Javier Rivas

Javier Rivas

Managing Partner at IFRYDHE Training and Development.

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you:

    • Commercial Director / Sales Director
    • Head of Direct Marketing
    • Key Account Manager
    • Sales Manager
    • Head of Trade Marketing
    • Commercial Consultant / Analyst


  • To access the Master's Degree in Commercial Management and Sales Management, candidates must hold a Bachelor's Degree, Diploma or Degree in the area: 

    • Business Administration and Management,
    • Marketing,
    • Law. 

    They must also have extensive experience or be willing to develop a professional career in the field of the degree.

EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., will process your personal information to contact you and to inform you about the program of your choice for the upcoming two terms. Afterwards, your data will be deleted.

You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.