Cookies Policy

The user is warned that this website uses cookies, which are small data files installed on users’ computers that allow the users themselves to store the information resulting from their activity on the Internet. Among other things, cookies enable web pages to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of users or their equipment and can be used to recognize users, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment.

This website may use the following cookies:

1. According to the entity that manages them

  • Proprietary cookies:

These are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

  • Third-party cookies:

These are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained from cookies.

If third-party cookies are accepted, they must be deleted from the browser options or the system offered by the third party itself.

2. According to their purpose

  • Technical cookies:

These allow a user to browse a web page, platform or application and use the different options or services on it, including those the publisher uses to manage and operate the web page and enable its functions and services. Examples are controlling data traffic and communication; identifying the session; accessing restricted areas; remembering the parts of an order; implementing a purchase order; managing payments; control fraud linked to the security of the service; request registration or participation in an event; count website visits for the purposes of billing for website service software licences (e.g. on a website, platform or application); use security functions while browsing; store content for broadcasting videos or sound; enable dynamic content (e.g. animation when loading a text or image); and sharing content on social networks. Also belonging to this category, due to their technical nature, are cookies that manage advertising space as efficiently as possible; where this is part of the design or "layout" of the service offered to the user, which the publisher has included in a website, application or platform. This may be based on criteria for different purposes, such as published content, without collecting information from users to customise that advertising or other content.

  • Preference or customisation cookies:

These record user information so that the user can access the service with certain features differentiating their experience from that of other users; for example, language; number of results shown when the user performs a search; and appearance or content of the service; these depend on the type of browser the user has to access the service or the region from which the service is accessed.

  • Analysis or measurement cookies:

These allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyse the behaviour of website users, including quantification of the impact of advertisements. Analysis of this information is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and make improvements to them.

The website may use the information from a visit to monitor or make statistical calculations on anonymous data, to guarantee the continuity of the service or make improvements to its websites. This information is not used for any other purpose.

  • Advertising cookies:

Advertising cookies are used to manage the advertising space included in our website as efficiently as possible, based on criteria such as the content edited or the frequency with which the advertisements are displayed.

  • Behavioural advertising cookies:

These cookies are for effective management of the advertising space on this website. They store information about user behaviour obtained through continuous observation of browsing habits; a specific user profile can then be formed from this to show specific advertising based on it.

3. According to the time active on the terminal equipment

  • Session cookies:

These are designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information related to the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased); and they disappear at the end of the session.

  • Persistent cookies:

These are used for data stored in the terminal which can be accessed and processed during a period established by the person responsible for the cookie, and can range from a few minutes to several years.

4. Cookies used on this website

The following table shows the cookies used on the website, and distinguishes between proprietary and third-party cookies (with identification of the third party contracted or whose services it has been decided to use) and their purpose:

Own / Third-party cookies



























Technical Cookies

They allow the user the correct navigation and use of the different options or services that exist on the website, and enable, among others, traffic control and data communication, identify the session, access parts of restricted access, remember the elements that make up an order, make the buying process of an order, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use security features while browsing, store content for broadcast video or sound or share content via social networks. Session and persistent. For more info see the configuration of the cookies banner.

Third-party Google Analytics

(For more information see the following link: Analytical Cookies

We use third-party cookies that allow us to track and analyze your browsing behavior on our website, in order to be able to develop profiles of user navigation to introduce improvements in our services based on the analysis of their usage data Persistent. For more info see the configuration of the cookies banner. 

Third-party Google DoubleClick. Cookie "ID" Behavioral Advertising Cookies

Behavioral advertising cookies (also called tracking cookies) allow us to effectively manage the advertising spaces included on this website. These cookies store information about your behavior obtained through the continuous observation of your browsing habits, which allows us to develop a specific profile to show you advertising based on it. Persistent (for more info see the cookie management banner).

Google ADS (For more info see the following links:;







For more information, see the following link: ).




(For more information see the following link:














(for more information see



















Third-party Youtube (For more information see the following link: Social network plug-in cookies This website integrates "social content plug-in modules" so that users of this social network can exchange the content they want with their "friends", but they can also store information about your behavior obtained through the continuous observation of your browsing habits, which allows us to develop a specific profile to show you advertising based on the same. Persistent (for more info see the cookie management banner).



(For more info see the following link:


(For more info see the following link:

5. Cookies management

In any case, users can configure their control panel to manage the installation of cookies or prevent installation on their computer.

Change Cookie policy

However, even if all cookies are disabled, the web browser collects certain essential information for the basic operation of the web page.

Cookies can also be blocked or disabled via the browser configuration tools. The browser allows users to reject the installation of all cookies, or choose to reject only some of them.

Consult your browser instructions and manuals for more information:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: Go to the Tools menu option, select Internet Options and access Privacy.
  • Firefox: For Mac - Go to the Preferences menu option, select Privacy and access Show Cookies; for Windows - Go to the Tools menu option, select Options, access Privacy, then use a custom configuration for the record.
  • Safari: Go to the Preferences menu option and select Privacy.
  • Google Chrome: Go to the Tools menu option, select Options (Preferences on Mac), access Advanced then the Content Settings option in the Privacy section; finally check Cookies in the Content Settings dialogue.

Finally, we inform you that you can revoke the consent given for the use of cookies at any time, and configure your browser or the control panel as explained in the previous point.

You may -at any time- deactivate Google Analytics cookies, using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser accessible at