marketing and sales
Marketing & Digital Transformation

Master in Marketing and Sales Management in English

  • Full Time
  • 60 ECTS
  • Abr. 2025 - 10 months
  • English
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Presentation of the Master in Marketing and Sales Management in English

This master's degree is taught in ENGLISH

In today's global market, experts need to know how to access new markets, define strategies that allow them to take on new competitors, and implement plans with more innovative approaches to the management of sales and marketing teams.

User increasingly compare more, demand more and look for differential value when making a purchase decision. Reaching these users requires comprehensive training in Marketing and Sales Management with solid knowledge of the latest marketing trends and the ability to take advantage of new technologies to serve a market in constant fluctuation.

The Master in Marketing and Sales Management of EAE Business School Madrid is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to lead these changes and turn each new challenge into a competitive advantage. Master the latest trends in the field and the key factors that generate business value for any organization.


On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the Master in Marketing and Sales Management from EAE Business School and the Master in International Marketing Management from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE)

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

*Official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia, SUNEDU and SENESCYT.

Enrol now and start to make the most of your Professional Development Plan*

From the moment you enrol, we start working with you to make your professional project a reality through a Personalized Development Plan. Don’t miss out! Ask to find out more and we will explain everything you need to know.

*This service is only available for on-campus programs.

Reasons to take the Master in Marketing and Sales Management in English

in EAE Business School
  1. Membership of the Spanish Marketing Association: You can become a member of this professional association, access all its resources and learn about the latest advances in this professional area.
  2. Prestigious partners:EAE Business School Madrid is associated with the most relevant marketing organizations in Spain: the Spanish Marketing Association and the Spanish Association of Digital Economy.
  3. Networking: You will take part in a series of conferences led by executives with extensive professional experience in the marketing and business management sector, giving you the chance to expand your network of contacts and start new working relationships.
  4. Tools for the Digital environment: You will learn about customer management tools such as CRM, as well as different digital techniques for sales, communication and positioning your product in the market.
  5. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Marketing and Sales Management in English with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
Best Master in Marketing and Sales Management in Spain

El Mundo Masters Ranking 2023. 

Best Master in Marketing and Sales Management in Spain

EdUniversal Ranking 2021/22

Best business school in Spain

MERCO Talent Ranking 2022 

Student Profile
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International participants
3 years
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Average professional experience
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Strategic Management of International Marketing: Key factors in Competitiveness and Success in Global Markets – 6 ECTS

  • International economic landscape. Big international challenges. Globalization at a country, sector and company level. The concept of strategy
  • Free-trade areas and economic integration. Goals, values and results
  • Globalization and offshoring. Internationalization of the supply chain and production. Value proposition
  • Internationalization of capital and people. Sector analysis
  • Players in the international economic scene. Contextualizing the sources of power in the world. The new key players in the global economy
  • International economic and financial architecture. Resources and capacities
  • Success and failures in global competition: causes and key factors. Competitive advantage
  • Analysis of international competition and the quest for comparative advantages. The ‘Made in’ and ‘Country Brand’ effect. Strategic options and positions
  • The ‘Made in Spain’ effect and its impact on the international strategy of Spanish brands. Business models
  • The Leading Brands of Spain Forum. Internationalization strategy
  • Company competitive advantages. The role of the portfolio of internationally exploitable resources and capacities. Implementation: the structure of organizations

Development of Marketing Professionals in a Global Environment – 6 ECTS

  • Leadership of high-performing commercial teams
  • Communication, persuasion and negotiation techniques
  • Negotiation and conflict management techniques in international matters
  • Time and stress management
  • Project and meeting management
  • Presentations in public
  • Personal development plan. Executive coaching and mentoring. Personal branding as a professional
  • Offline and online networking. Public relations and social, business and official protocol
  • International markets. Multicultural and multilingual settings
  • Globalization and work-life balance
  • Code of conduct, and business and professional ethics
  • Introduction to Big Data

Global Markets: Investigating and Identifying the Value Proposition – 6 ECTS

  • Introduction to market research.
  • The market research project.
  • The marketing environment: information sources.
  • Researching and evaluating opportunities in international markets.
  • Consumer segmentation. Tools for segmenting global markets.
  • Tools for analysing market positioning.
  • Consumer behaviour and demand.
  • Quantitative and qualitative research. Field study based on research.
  • Identification of the value proposition.
  • Online support for market research.
  • International research commercial research project management. Project management and execution (from quality control to ethics of the process). Verbal and written presentation of research: best practices.

Value Creation in International Markets – 6 ECTS

  • Marketing and value creation.
  • Market segmentation and value proposition. Micro-segmentation versus globalization.
  • Product strategy from new product development to co-creation and product portfolio management.
  • Service definition, implementation and management.
  • Branding. Corporate branding as a competitive advantage in internationalization processes.
  • Price as a commercial variable.
  • Pricing and the levels of decision-making.
  • Price-setting strategies.

Economic and financial decisions involved in strategic international marketing decisions – 6 ECTS

  • Financial information requirements for international marketing management.
  • Objectives and methods of financial statement analysis to facilitate commercial decision-making.
  • Cost and sales analysis to determine the profit/country margin for each product and optimize commercial decisions.
  • Analysis of investments executed within the framework of the international marketing strategy in order to calculate profitability.
  • Calculating the cost of the money invested in the international marketing budget.
  • Business strategy and international commercial planning. Financial, business, sales and financing forecasts.
  • Analysis and management of international projects and associated risks. Economic, social, environmental and reputational risk. The country risk and foreign exchange risk.
  • The balanced scorecard and international marketing

Digital Marketing in International Settings – 6 ECTS

  • The Internet as a new distribution and communication channel with a global scope.
  • Web platform planning and design.
  • E-marketplaces.
  • Search strategy and optimization: SEO and SEM.
  • Growth-Hacker Marketing.
  • From communication to conversation, and the impact of the digitization of markets and channels.
  • Social media.
  • Mobile Marketing
  • International legislation international applied to the Internet. Data protection and management.
  • Analytics and metrics of an international e-marketing plan.
  • Viral campaigns.

Value delivery to international customers – 6 ECTS

  • Delivering value and satisfaction to international consumers: Distribution, its evolution and new trends from direct channel to omnichannel distribution.
  • Selling products, services, solutions or experiences? Trade marketing, point-of-sale, retail marketing and Servicescape.
  • Determining factors in added value for international consumers. Distribution strategies: Push vs Pull. Selective-exclusive-mass distribution.
  • Distribution strategies in international markets
  • International marketing mix plan: Adaptation or standardization? Communication as a marketing variable and integrated marketing communication (ICM).
  • Delivery of a global service: value, price and service at an international level.
  • Strategic distribution and logistics management.
  • Lean management: delivering value where the customer needs it.
  • Media analysis.
  • Customer Relations Management: designing a support structure. International relational marketing and customer loyalty.
  • The Value Stream Map in global and local market. Communication in crisis situations.
  • Process definition. Components. Pull and Push. Process metrics and enhancing process value. New trends in direct marketing.
  • Communication strategies in international markets
  • BUSINESS GAME. Business simulator.

Sales and International Commercialization Strategies – 6 ECTS

  • Sales management at a global level and international sales team management.
  • Aligning the Sales Director with the structure of the multinational company.
  • From Product Marketing to Customer Marketing. The functions of the Product Manager and Client Manager.
  • Sales team management: supervision, remuneration and motivation.
  • CRM | Customer service quality (CSAC) | Client Management. CRM development in the organization.
  • Sales strategy: how to reach international markets.
  • Sales strategies in international markets.
  • Negotiation with clients.
  • The international sales environment. Definition and ways of organizing multi-market commercialization channels.
  • How does the new 21st-century consumer influence the changes that have occurred in the distribution chain?
  • Current structure of distribution channels and international market coverage.
  • Dependence and power in the commercialization channel. Breakdown by national markets.
  • Conflict in the commercialization channel. Point-of-sale analysis.
  • Collaboration in the commercialization channel. International strategic alliances.

External internship - 6 ECTS


Master’s Thesis – 6 ECTS


Minors are elective courses that enable you to personalize your Master and build a study program tht has the scope for new disciplines aligned with your profesional interest and goals. They act as real communication links that enable you to explore other areas of knowledge and connect them to yours. Minors multiply your opportunities for networking and expand your professional horizons. The range of Minors on offer varies depending on the intake and campus.

Choose between:

  • Application of AI in Business
  • Stategy and Data Analytics
  • Fintech: Technology for Finance
  • Marketing automation and marketing intelligence
  • Neuromarketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales management Innovation
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities
  • Scalling Up: Strategies for business growth management
  • Project management techniques
  • Corporate Wellbeing: Leading Wellbeing Strategies
  • Business Agility
  • Leadership: Team development techniques


Explore new areas of knowledge and boost your employability by acquiring the competencies in the highest demand.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Development of marketing areas

You will develop the strategy to achieve the company’s goals, with a firm grasp of information techniques and sources. Moreover, you will be able to recognize new opportunities and adapt the marketing policies to each organization.  

2. New trends

You will gain in-depth insight into both the opportunities and risks of the latest marketing by developing competencies and implementing consumer- and market-oriented management systems. 

3. Executive skills

You will lead teams in globalized environments, with the ability to analyse the market and its different scenarios in order to achieve the best fit of the marketing department within the organization in order to enhance the company’s value. 

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you. 

    • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 
    • Marketing Director 
    • Commercial Director 
    • Product Manager 
    • Brand Manager 
    • Category manager 
    • Key Account Manager 
    • Direct Marketing Manager 
    • Trade Marketing Manager 
    • Marketing Technician 
    • Commercial Technician 
  • The master's degree is preferably aimed at university graduates in the following areas:

    • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
    • Degree in Financial and Actuarial Economics
    • Degree in Accounting and Finance
    • Degree in Economics
    • Diploma in Business Science
    • Degree in Engineering or Industrial Organisation 
    • Double Degrees in Law and Business Administration and Management
    • Other degrees or official qualifications that include finance or business economics subjects in their syllabus.

    In any case, students who wish to access the master's degree with a previous qualification other than those listed above or who have not taken official master's degree programmes that include the fundamentals of these qualifications, must take complementary courses in order to improve their knowledge in basic and specific marketing management subjects. These complementary courses will be compulsory and will be taken before the first semester of the master's degree.


Cesar Moreno

Cesar Moreno

Business Consultant Partner at Blue Insights - PhD in Business and Economics, ICADE

Giuseppe Emanuele Adamo

Giuseppe Emanuele Adamo

Director del Área de Marketing & Digital Transformation en EAE Business School Madrid.

Cristina Rata

Cristina Rata

Head of Advanced Analytics en Zurich Insurance Company

Miguel Gómez

Miguel Gómez

Redactor Jefe en El Mundo

Arnaú Clofent

Arnau Clofent

Marketing Director | CMO en Affinity Petcare 

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Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.