alumna grado 2
Business Management

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) + Expert Title in Exponential Business



  • Título Oficial
  • Full Time
  • 240 ECTS
  • Sep. 2024
For a limited time


This degree is taught in SPANISH

The Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management of EAE Business School Madrid is designed in response to the volatile, uncertain, changing and ambiguous landscape in which organizations now operate. As such, its comprehensive syllabus has a special focus on adaptability to change and sustainability, based on an understanding of a company as an entity that operates within a socioeconomic context in which it wants to make a positive impact and generate profits sustainably.

Moreover, the Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management caters for the need for training that exists in the corporate and economic sphere, requiring tuition that provides an overall business vision and encompasses all the areas of the organization, but which also contains innovative aspects that guide students towards embracing certain ways of doing business that are essential nowadays, such as entrepreneurship, sustainability and technological innovation in organizations.

The students on this Bachelor Degree at EAE Business School Madrid will develop their administration and management skills, with a particular emphasis on new technologies, digital environments, and how these tools can contribute towards improving efficiency and sustainability.

In addition, you will have the benefit of obtaining the Diploma of Expertise in General Management. This program will equip you with all the knowledge and skills required to do business in a world in a constant state of change, with training to gain a command of the ecosystem and the digital transformation in which organizations now operate.



The Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management is an official qualification run by the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE) in collaboration with EAE Business School. This qualification program has been positively assessed by the Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d, verified by the Universities Council and registered on the University, College and Qualification Registry (RUCT) of the Ministry of Universities. This official qualification is valid in all countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Partner académico-Unie Universidad
Experience is more than a degree

Reasons to take this Bachelor Degree

in EAE Business School
  1. Diploma of Expertise in General Management: You will round off your education with this qualification, which will equip you with the knowledge and aptitudes required to become the profile that companies demand.
  2. Employability: We have partnership agreements in place with over 5,300 companies in which you can embark on your professional career. 100% of our students do an internship.
  3. Networking: You will make the most of all the benefits of studying at a business school. You will always in close contact with the professional field that interests you most through a range of conferences, seminars, forums and annual events.
  4. EAE Business School student profile: You will have the opportunity to interact with the different professional profiles involved in a business school. EAE Business School brings together people from many different countries and professional sectors, who all form part of the same virtuous circle that comprises EAE Business School, mutually enriching each other’s experience in order to grow professionally.
  5. Entrepreneurship: Final-year students can benefit from EAE Lab, our business incubator, which gives you access to financing and guidance for your entrepreneurial venture.
  6. Lecturers who are professionals working in the field: 70% of the faculty combine their professional activity with their teaching. The classes are adapted to the current reality of the business world.
  7. Personalized training: EAE Business School Madrid guarantees that you have access to support and advice whenever you need it in your day-to-day studies, giving you access to tutorials adapted to your needs and ensuring that class sizes remain small.
  8. Case Study Methodology: You will learn with the aid of practical exercises that recreate real company situations, learning how to take action and make decisions.
  9. The Madrid Campus: You will study in a unique, vibrant community that welcomes over 4,000 students each year.
  10. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
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Subject TypesECTS
Core 60
Obligatory 144
Elective 18
External Internship 6
Bachelor’s Thesis 12
Total Credits 240

SubjectFirst semesterSecond semesterTypeECTS
Foundations of Business Administration and Management Core6
Business Environment and Negotiation Compulsory6
Business Mathematics Core6
Foundations of Marketing Compulsory6
Introduction to Economics Core6
Consumer Behaviour Compulsory6
Financial Accounting I Core6
Creativity and Innovation in New Environments Compulsory6
Introduction to Law Core6

SubjectThird semesterFourth semesterTypeECTS
Internal Organization and Management Compulsory6
Communication Skills in Business Compulsory6
Financial Accounting IICore6
Market Research Compulsory6
Business English Compulsory6
Economic and Business Forecasts Compulsory6
Company Law Core6
Innovation Management Compulsory6

SubjectFifth semesterSixth semesterTypeECTS
Human Resources Management Compulsory6
Methods and Techniques of Information Analysis and Use Compulsory6
Company Creation and Management Compulsory6
Financial Planning Compulsory6
Commercial and Sales Management Compulsory6
Company Logistics and Operations Compulsory6
Sustainability Management Compulsory6
Company Resilience Compulsory6
Business IntelligenceCompulsory6
Executive Skills Compulsory6

SubjectSeventh semesterEighth semesterType ECTS
Corporate Responsibility and Gender Perspective Compulsory6
International Business Management Compulsory6
Digital Communication Compulsory6
Strategic Management Compulsory6
Entrepreneurship and New Business Models Compulsory6
Digital Business and Startups Compulsory6
Corporate Excellence Elective6
External Internship Internship6
Bachelor’s Thesis TFG12


5 Territories to Conquer

1. Talent and Innovation

You will be equipped to manage both talent and innovation in modern business organizations.

2. Analysis of the Economic Situation

You will learn to make assessments of the current situation and predict how the company will evolve.

3. Sustainability and Social Commitment

You will gain insight into how social and economic organizations operate and the social impact of business, learning to apply precise actions to guarantee long-term business sustainability.

4. Decision-Making

You will make decisions with the aim of attaining business goals that enable the company to achieve the objectives it has set on a local, national and international scale.

5. Entrepreneurship and New Businesses

You will gain the aptitudes required to become an entrepreneur or to take on a leadership role in business initiatives.


Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you.

    • General Management (strategic planning, operational and management tasks)
    • Production
    • Human Resources
    • Finance
    • Marketing
    • Administration or Accounting
    • Banking and Financial Institutions
    • Accountancy
    • Public Administration
    • Official Institutions
    • International Economic Institutions
    • Teaching at Universities and Training Colleges
    • Entrepreneurial Ventures
  • In accordance with the regulations that govern access to official university undergraduate study programs and the admissions procedures of Spanish public universities, candidates for the University Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management at EAE Business School (Madrid) can access the undergraduate study program, depending on their profile, through the various different access channels.

    Candidates who fulfil the following conditions are entitled to access undergraduate study programs:

    A) Students in possession of the High School Baccalaureate Diploma of the Spanish education system or another recognized equivalent qualification.

    B) Students in possession of the European or International High School Baccalaureate.

    C) Students in possession of a High School Baccalaureate qualification, diploma or certification issued by the education system of a Member State of the European Union or another state with which Spain has signed an international agreement in this respect on a reciprocal basis.

    D) Students in possession of a qualification, diploma or study certification with accredited equivalence with the High School Baccalaureate Diploma of the Spanish education system, obtained or completed in the education system in a state that is not a member of the European Union and with which Spain has not signed an international agreement for the recognition of such qualifications on a reciprocal basis, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.

    E) Students in possession of an official Advanced Vocational Training qualification, or Advanced Vocational Art and Design qualification, or Advanced Sport qualification within the Spanish education system, or a qualification, diploma or study certification declared equivalent to the aforementioned qualifications, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.

    F) Students in possession of a qualification, diploma or study certification other than the equivalent of a High School Baccalaureate, Advanced Vocational Training qualification, or Advanced Vocational Art and Design qualification, or Advanced Sport qualification within the Spanish education system obtained or completed in a Member State of the European Union or another state with which Spain has signed an international agreement in this respect on a reciprocal basis, on the condition that the students in question fulfil the academic requirements stipulated in the other state to entitle the student to access university studies.

    G) People over twenty-five years old who pass the access examination established in this Royal Decree.

    H) People over forty years old with employment or professional experience related to the field of study of the qualification program in question.

    I) People over forty-five years old who pass the access examination established in this Royal Decree.

    J) Students in possession of an official university Bachelor, Master or equivalent qualification.

    K) Students in possession of an official university qualification (university diploma, Technical Architecture or Engineering Diploma, Bachelor Degree, or Architecture or Engineering Diploma) corresponding to the previous university education structure, or an equivalent qualification.

    L) Students who have partially completed university studies in Spain or abroad or who have completed foreign university studies that have not been recognized for equivalence accreditation in Spain, and who want to continue their studies at a Spanish university. In this case, it is an essential requirement that the student has earned at least 30 ECTS credits in their previous studies at the corresponding university.

    M) Students who met the criteria to access university studies in accordance with previous structures of the Spanish education system prior to Organic Law 8/2013, of 9th December.

    N) Any other circumstance stipulated in the applicable legislation.

    • Estudiantes en posesión de un título universitario oficial de Grado, Máster o título equivalente.
    • Estudiantes en posesión de un título universitario oficial de Diplomado universitario, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, correspondientes a la anterior ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias o título equivalente.
    • Estudiantes que hayan cursado estudios universitarios parciales extranjeros o españoles, o que habiendo finalizado los estudios universitarios extranjeros no hayan obtenido su homologación en España y deseen continuar estudios en una universidad española. En este supuesto, será requisito indispensable que la universidad correspondiente les haya reconocido al menos 30 créditos ECTS.
    • Estudiantes que estuvieran en condiciones de acceder a la universidad según ordenaciones del Sistema Educativo Español anteriores a la Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre.
    • Otros supuestos que pueda determinar la legislación vigente.
  • Respecto a las actitudes o intereses que se recomienda poseer a la hora de iniciar el grado, se resaltan los siguientes: 

    • Capacidad e interés por la resolución de problemas.
    • Interés por la búsqueda de soluciones alternativas y creativas.
    • Capacidad de estudio, comprensión, crítica y desarrollo de opinión propia. 
    • Capacidad para el razonamiento lógico y abstracto.
    • Capacidad para el uso y aplicación de técnicas cuantitativas.
    • Facilidad de comunicación y trabajo en equipo.
    • Interés por la constante búsqueda de innovación, organización y planificación.
    • Ganas de crecer y espíritu emprendedor.
EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., will process your personal information to contact you and to inform you about the program of your choice for the upcoming two terms. Afterwards, your data will be deleted.

You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.