The guarantee of quality given by EAE’s Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) forms a key part of our School’s commitment to social responsibility, fully aware of the context of globalization of the employment and university markets in which we operate.
Against this backdrop, through the IQAS, EAE strives to establish a governance model that reliably responds to the challenge of achieving accountability, transparency and uncompromising, rigorous quality.
The essence of our mission involves formulating our own unique way of serving the students, which we achieve not only through the set of services and commitments that we enter into with them, but also and most importantly by developing a mindset focused on quality and continuous improvement as an institutional pledge based on a commitment to transparency throughout the public service that we provide.
EAE Madrid has a Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) that covers all its qualification programs, developed in line with the principles and guidelines of the AUDIT program. The design of the IQAS was certified within the framework of this program by ANECA (the National Quality and Accreditation Evaluation Agency).
The aim of the Quality Manual is to give an overview of EAE’s Internal Quality Assurance System, designed in accordance with the evaluation model of the AUDIT program, which, in turn, is aligned with the quality assurance criteria and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
EAE’s Internal Quality Assurance System specifies how the School improves the quality of its qualification programs, their planning and implementation, and the learning results, as well as the teaching and research staff and administration and service staff.
The different chapters of the Quality Manual set out procedures giving a more detailed description of the mechanisms in place at EAE to guarantee the quality of its tuition programs.
EAE’s Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) has been designed to differentiate the strategic, support and key processes with the aim of facilitating results analysis and the design, review and implementation of the range of tuition programs, as well as enabling the introduction of the changes required in a cycle of continuous improvement.
EAE gives all stakeholders access to the results achieved by applying the Internal Quality Assurance System.
Every year, EAE publishes an Annual Report that gives an overview of the key developments and events that have happened at EAE Business School. This report not only shows data related to EAE’s academic activity, but also the School’s key achievements over the last twelve months, the activities organized, the research conducted, our students’ employability and even a chance to get to know some of the faculty members.
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