More than 75 students participated in EAE Entrepreneur Impact Day in Madrid
More than 75 students from EAE Business School Madrid participated in the EAE Entrepreneur Impact Day that took place last Friday, October 28th at the Joaquín Costa Campus Assembly Hall.
The event started with a very inspiring keynote by José Luis Santamaría, CEO at NewBeing, on how to follow your heart and realize your desire to start a business for yourself.
Afterwards, Henri Mennens, director of the business incubation program at EAE Business School Madrid, presented the activities and services of EAE Entrepreneur for all students who want to follow the path of entrepreneurship.
The event continued with the presentation of three EAE Business School startups that have participated in EAE Entrepreneur programs, and explained how the support of EAE Propeller has helped them in the realization of their entrepreneurship project. Presentations by Santiago Tobón of Aloja Experience, Diego Figueroa of Jibuh, and Fernando Borlán of Art Vessel helped students understand what it means to be an entrepreneur and how EAE Business School helped them throughout the entrepreneurial process.
At the end of the event, more than 20 students explained their motivation for entrepreneurship, thus choosing EAE Entrepreneur's service.