Presentation of the report: White Paper on Ethical Leadership in Spain

Presentation of the report: White Paper on Ethical Leadership in Spain

Next May 17, in the auditorium of the Joaquín Costa, 41 campus, the White Paper on Ethical Leadership in Spain will be presented, directed by Pilar Llácer, professor and director of the Work of the Future Center at EAE Madrid.  The presentation will include a round table in which the eight key competencies and the three cross-cutting behavior axes will be discussed to establish a model of ethical leadership.

The table will be made up of Carlos Santos Garcia, General Director of Ibermutua; Gloria Lomana, CEO 50 & 50 Gender Leadership; Juan Miguel Sucunza, president of the CEN Business Confederation of Navarra; Luisa Garcia, partner and CEO of Europe of Llorente and Cuenca; and Marta García-Valenzuela, partner at Talengo. And it will be moderated by Federico Buyoló, director of culture Fundación Ortega Marañon.

Sign up at the following link:

It will also be broadcast via streaming at the following link: