Máster en Psicología y Comportamiento del Consumidor EAE Madrid
Marketing & Digital Transformation

Master in Psychology and Consumer Behavior

  • Young Professional
  • Full Time - Spanish
  • 60 ECTS
  • Oct. 2025 - 10 months
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Presentation of the Master in Psychology and Consumer Behavior

This master's degree is taught in SPANISH

We live in a constantly changing environment in which consumption evolves alongside society. New and different habits and needs emerge as time goes by and this trend is driven and multiplied by the advanced development of new technologies.

All these changes and adaptations enable companies and brands to identify new business opportunities and adapt products to these new consumer needs.

The Master in Psychology and Consumer Behaviour of EAE Business School Madrid is designed to equip you to apply all your knowledge of consumer behaviour to the research and analysis conducted by the marketing department, focusing on the central core of their needs in order to ensure they have a good experience.

This program enables you to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes and see their various viewpoints from the perspective of the different disciplines of social science, such as psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, and behavioural and situational analysis, among others.


On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the Master in Psychology and Consumer Behaviour from EAE Business School and the Master in Psychology and Consumer Behaviour from Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE).

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

Enroll now and start enjoying your career boosting plan.*

From the moment of your enrollment we will start working together in the materialization of your professional project through a personalized development plan. Are you going to miss it? Request information and we will explain it to you.

*This service applies only to on-site programs.

Reasons to take the Master in Psychology and Consumer Behavior

in EAE Business School
  1. Consumer analysis: You will learn to analyse consumer behaviour in all channels, both online and offline, enabling you to develop predictive behavioural models in order to design an effective customer experience.
  2. Research tools: You will gain insight through qualitative and quantitative research tools that facilitate decision-making based on an understanding of the key factors involved in the attitudes and behaviours of modern consumers.
  3. EAE Entrepreneur: Discover our complete service platform! We provide training, financing and accompaniment to identify the competitive advantages of your business idea and develop your venture.
  4. Business Networking: You will have the chance to expand your network of contacts by meeting executives from leading companies, as well as the classmates and lecturers who you work with every day.
  5. Advisory Board: This consultative body helps us develop our programs and enhance our educational model to ensure the excellence of the training we offer executives.
  6. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Psychology and Consumer Behavior with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
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Module 1

Behavioural Psychology - 6 ECTS

  • Consumer behaviour: changes and challenges. Consumer psychology and behaviour
  • Consumer motivation
  • Personality and consumer behaviour. The human brain: neurological foundations of processing information
  • Consumer perception. Foundations of neuroscience applied to marketing
  • Consumer learning and memory
  • Training consumers and changing consumer attitudes
  • The influence of the family and groups on consumer behaviour
  • The influence of culture, social stratification social and lifestyles on consumers
  • Subcultures and consumer behaviour. Individual differences
  • Transcultural consumer behaviour from an international perspective
  • Neuroscience applied to advertising efficacy: Perfect allies?
  • The consumer decision process
  • Purchasing decisions and types of shopper

Statistics applied to consumer insight - 6 ECTS

  • Statistics as a descriptive base
  • Basic elements of Descriptive Statistics
  • Measuring uncertainty: Probability and random variables
  • Sampling techniques
  • Multivariable statistics and utilities in consumer analysis

Marketing as the final destination of consumer insight - 6 ECTS

  • Marketing as a strategic vehicle in a global world
  • Strategic Plan versus Marketing Plan in a hyperconnected world
  • Digital Marketing and Inbound Marketing
  • Omnichannel: Optimizing the shopping experience
  • Offline and online communication
  • The importance of consumer insight within the company I
  • The importance of consumer insight within the company II: Sales and Marketing
  • Case Study. From strategic planning to the value proposition
Module 2

Qualitative and quantitative research – 6 ECTS

  • What is qualitative research?
  • Designing qualitative research
  • Types of qualitative research
  • Discussion groups
  • In-depth interviews: Types, conditions and materials, uses
  • Ethnography and observation: What it is and its use in market research. Types and examples. Use of visual data
  • Digital qualitative research
  • Qualitative research processes
  • Drafting reports: Structure and content. Preparing conclusions and recommendations. Importance of the message and aesthetics. Use of visual elements. Tips
  • Ethics in qualitative research
  • What is qualitative research?
  • Principals of quantitative research
  • Designing quantitative research
  • Application of statistics
  • Types of information collection
  • Questionnaires: Basic rules and key competencies for drafting a questionnaire
  • Types of analysis: Bivariable, multivariable
  • The final report
  • Marketing decision-making with quantitative research

Market Research Panels and Strategy – 6 ECTS

  • Retailer panels
  • The importance of the briefing panel-based research
  • Transforming date into marketing strategy design
  • Ad-hoc studies based on Retailer panels: Sabines
  • Consumer panels
  • Ad-hoc studies based on Consumer panels: omnibus, gain & loss, etc.
  • Retailer panel vs Consumer panel
  • What is an Audience panel
  • Web analytics. Google Analytics. Website audience analysis
  • Dashboards and data visualization. KPI design and evaluation
  • Presentation techniques. Client presentations and internal presentations
  • Applying panel data to the business strategy based on the case studies analysed in class

Innovation - 6 ECTS

  • What is innovation? Concept and purpose. Types of innovation. Standard process. Leadership in the launch. Life cycle and innovation curve
  • Doblin’s model as a framework for establishing an innovation plan. Introduction to other innovation methods and tools for creative an in-house methodology
  • Detecting opportunities: Prospective and exploratory studies. Future Design
  • Research techniques for innovation
  • Insight analysis, patterns and setting the design challenge
  • The creative process and product or service design. Product ideation, prototyping and testing. Developing the MVP
  • Business models and monetizing innovation. Iteration for value generation
  • Innovation for sustainability and circularity. Iteration for reducing impacts
  • Packaging design and other attraction features of the new product. Staging the presentation to audiences
  • Connecting the product or service and its presentation with the customer experience. Defining moments of truth, wow moments and experience design
  • Production planning, implementation and launch design using agile tools. Scalability of the MVP and growth planning
  • External presentation of innovation
  • Evaluation, KPIs, contingency plans and iteration

Branding and communication - 6 ECTS

  • What is communication? Basic concepts and theories
  • Media and its links to the social environment
  • Emotional, responsible and customer-centred communication
  • Business and product communication (advertising, point of sale, social media, etc.)
  • Defining consumer-based corporate communication plans
  • The brand and its strategic management
  • Brand and consumer
  • Brand equity
  • Brand positioning
  • Sustainability and social value of the brand
  • The launch of a brand. Brand creation and architecture. Creative process. Visual and verbal brand identity
  • Brand development and extension strategies
  • New brand management trends
  • The brand in digital environments

Shopping and Customer Experience - 6 ECTS

  • Buying psychology. The buyer. Decision-making. The psychology of shopping. Consumer society
  • Consumer Journey (Explore and Buy approach)
  • Sales channels. Omni-customer vs Omnichannel. The role of the buyer in retail
  • Merchandising principles at different touchpoints in the store
  • Guides selling. Selling services. Consultative selling. The role of packaging
  • Customer experience (CX). After-sales services. NPS. Culture. Engagement
  • Obtaining Shopper Insights – Quantitative methodologies
  • Obtaining Shopper Insights – Qualitative methodologies. Ethnography and accompanied shopping. Mystery Shopper
  • Pricing and promotion
  • Manufacture and retailer partnerships. Active Retailing, from Category-Based Management to Shopper Marketing. Building selling stories
  • Long-term trends among Consumers/Buyers, Manufacturers and Retailers
  • Marketing and trade myths
  • E-Commerce
  • Business models: B2B. B2C, marketplaces, flash sales, subscription, etc.
  • E-Commerce trends: Showrooming, ROPO, voice recognition, personalization, etc.
  • Value Proposition. Persona profiling, empathy maps, motivations, Consumer Journey and value proposition
  • eShopper experience over the course of the funnel
  • Acquisition
  • Conversion
  • Lifetime value retention, Loyalty and Recommendation. Introduction to CRM
  • Omnichannel and consumer-centric approaches

  • Master’s Thesis – 12 ECTS


Minors are elective courses that enable you to personalize your Master and build a study program tht has the scope for new disciplines aligned with your profesional interest and goals. They act as real communication links that enable you to explore other areas of knowledge and connect them to yours. Minors multiply your opportunities for networking and expand your professional horizons. The range of Minors on offer varies depending on the intake and campus.

Choose between:

  • Application of AI in Business
  • Stategy and Data Analytics
  • Fintech: Technology for Finance
  • Marketing automation and marketing intelligence
  • Neuromarketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales management Innovation
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities
  • Scalling Up: Strategies for business growth management
  • Project management techniques
  • Corporate Wellbeing: Leading Wellbeing Strategies
  • Business Agility
  • Leadership: Team development techniques


Explore new areas of knowledge and boost your employability by acquiring the competencies in the highest demand.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Influencing decision-making

Gain an effective understanding of the key factors involved in consumer attitudes and behaviours in order to formulate influence strategies in all areas.

2. Behavioural insight

Transform knowledge into social innovation based on insight into human behaviour through a cross-cutting vision of the entire organization and the market.

3. Behavioural perspective

Gain a crucial dimension of self-awareness within the framework of the management sciences, gaining a more in-depth knowledge of the different perspective on consumer behaviour.


Carolina Palomo

Carolina Palomo

Global Consumer Insight and Analytics Director at AM FRESH GROUP. Degree in Business Administration, Diploma in Statistics and MBA.

Giuseppe Emanuele Adamo

Giuseppe Emanuele Adamo

Director of Marketing, Communication and Sales at EAE Business School.

Alexia de la Morena

Alexia de la Morena

Business Brand Manager, journalist and neuropsychologist specialising in advertising, marketing, communication and sales.

Ángel del Castillo

Ángel del Castillo

D. in Business Management from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Miguel Valle

Miguel Valle-Inclán

Expert in traditional marketing, digital marketing and inbound marketing. International career in multinationals such as Mondelez, Heineken and Altris. Degree in Economics and Business Administration, and Master in Sales and Marketing Management from the Instituto de Empresa.

Bethlem Boronath

Bethlem Boronath

Degree and PhD in journalism. Specialized in the design of tailor-made creative work methodologies and training in creativity aimed especially at innovation, communication and marketing sectors

Mencía de Garcillán

Mencía de Garcillán

Head of the Marketing and Training Department of Laboratorios Esseka.

Miguel Poveda

Miguel Poveda

President of the International Institute inSecurity Studies and Vice President of the International Institute of Protocol.

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you.

    • Consumer behaviour analyst
    • Social communication campaign designer
    • Strategic and operational marketing technician
    • Political communication consultant
    • Advertising consultant
    • Researcher in mass-market companies
    • Product and commercialization strategy designer
    • Market research professional and consultant
  • For access to the Master in Psychology and Consumer Behavior candidates must be in possession of a Bachelor's Degree, Diploma or Degree in the area of:

    • Marketing, 
    • Business Administration, 
    • Statistics, 
    • Psychology, 
    • Advertising 
    • or similar.

    Or else prove extensive experience or the willingness to develop a professional career in the field of the degree.

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You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.