Máster en Finanzas en Inglés
Master in Finance in English

Master in Finance in English

  • Young Professional
  • Full Time
  • 60 ECTS
  • OCT. 2025 - 10 months
  • English
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Presentation of this Master in Finance in English

This master's degree is taught in ENGLISH

The current economic landscape of uncertainty requires professionals with a sound understanding of the financial sphere in order to make optimal decisions, reduce risks and detect new opportunities. 

The Master in Finance of EAE Business School Madrid gives you the necessary insight by combining the two big areas of work in the world of Finance: Consultancy and Management. You will enhance your profile with courses on the aspects that define a top finance professional: analysis of the economic environment and financial markets, ethical and financial foundations, and fixed and variable-income assets, among other factors.

Of course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of financial consultancy, which requires knowledge of the different financial products and acquiring the key factors to build the most suitable products for each client.

Throughout the program, you will be accompanied by leading professionals from the sector, as the syllabus of the Master has been developed by an advisory body of executives from top companies, who guarantee that the academic content is fully aligned with the reality of the business world.



On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the Master in Finance in English from EAE Business School and the University Master in Financial Advice and Planning* from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE)

  *Official qualification recognized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia, SUNEDU and SENESCYT.

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

Enroll now and start enjoying your career boosting plan.*

From the moment of your enrollment we will start working together in the materialization of your professional project through a personalized development plan. Are you going to miss it? Request information and we will explain it to you.

*This service applies only to on-site programs.

Best Master in Finance in Spain

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Master in Finance in Spain

"EdUniversal" Ranking 2022

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Master in Finance in Spain

Ranking “El Mundo” 2022

Reasons to take this Master in Finance in English

at EAE Business School


  1. Advisory Board: The Master’s syllabus has been developed with the support of a consultative body formed of professionals from leading companies, such as La Caixa, Endesa and Unilever, which guarantees that the academic content is adapted to the reality business world.
  2. Global vision: With an executive perspective and thinking in financial terms, you will gain a comprehensive overview of the entire financial cycle.
  3. Business networking: The Master gives you the opportunity to expand your network of contacts, meeting executives from leading companies, such as Google and Vodafone, among many others.
  4. EAE Entrepreneur: If you have an entrepreneurial drive, our business incubator, EAE Lab, will give your the learning resources, financing and guidance required to drive your business venture forward.
  5. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the Master in Finance in English  with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
  6. Refinitiv Workspace: During the course of the Master you will have the opportunity to visualize the financial and macroeconomic information platform Refinitiv Workspace (former Reuters). Students who wish to do so will be able to take the certifications in the use of the platform, which are highly recognized in the financial sector.


Ethical and Financial Foundations – 6 ECTS

  • Temporary value of money.
  • Capitalization laws.
  • Financial discounting.
  • Spot and forward interest rates.
  • Profitability.
  • Financial incomes.
  • Basic concepts in statistics. Descriptive statistics. Time series analysis. Index numbers.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • European Union directives.
  • The EFPA Code of Ethics.
  • Investment and financing decisions. Key tools.

Analysis of the Economic Environment and Financial Markets - 6 ECTS

  • Introduction: The financial system. Components: (intermediaries, assets and markets, national and international regulation).
  • Monetary policy: strategies and objectives of monetary policy, and central banks’ instruments to implement it.
  • Large payment systems. The EMU’s Target system.
  • Assessment of the economic situation based on macroeconomic foundations, cycle theory and short-term economic indicators. Interpretation of financial markets.
  • Introduction to financial markets through the currency and monetary markets. Setting exchange rates and short-term interest rates, agents and operations

Fixed Income Securities Market - 6 ECTS

  • Characteristics of fixed income products.
  • Structure of fixed income markets.
  • Rating: concept and classifications.
  • Yield curve.
  • Valuation of fixed income products.
  • Measuring and managing interest-rate risk for fixed income assets.
  • Risks associated with fixed income products.
  • Financial futures on fixed income products.
  • Fixed income portfolio management.

Equity Securities Market - 6 ECTS

  • Characteristics of equities and structure of the stock market.
  • Fundamental analysis I. Introduction to fundamental analysis and financial operations.
  • Fundamental analysis II. Valuation and stock market ratios.
  • Technical analysis.
  • Corporate operations.

Derivative instruments – 6 ECTS

  • Derivative financial products. Risk management. Organized markets and OTC. Functions of derivatives.
  • Financial futures. Characteristics, valuation, underlying products. Speculation.
  • Coverage and arbitrage with futures
  • Financial options. Basic positions, price formation, the option Greeks.
  • Replication of derivative products. Synthetic derivatives and arbitrages.
  • Coverage with options.
  • Strategies: trends, volatility and mixed strategies.
  • Introduction to OTC markets,
  • OTC financial markets: currencies, commodities.
  • Exotic options.
  • Guaranteed and structured products.

Financial Products - 6 ECTS

  • Real estate investment funds and firms.
  • Real estate investment.
  • Pensions and retirement planning.
  • Insurance.
  • Complementary investments.

Investment Selection - 6 ECTS

  • Performance risk and framework.
  • Efficient capital markets.
  • Portfolio theory.
  • Asset allocation process.
  • Results measurement and attribution.
  • Reporting performance to clients.

Financial advice and planning– 6 ECTS

  • Taxation
  • Tax framework.
  • Taxation of financial operations.
  • Tax planning.

Financial Consultancy and Planning

  • Banking models and management.
  • Financial consultancy in customer banking.
  • Consultancy in financial innovation products.

External academic internships - 6 ECTS


Master's thesis - 6 ECTS


Minors are elective courses that enable you to personalize your Master and build a study program tht has the scope for new disciplines aligned with your profesional interest and goals. They act as real communication links that enable you to explore other areas of knowledge and connect them to yours. Minors multiply your opportunities for networking and expand your professional horizons. The range of Minors on offer varies depending on the intake and campus.

Choose between:

  • Application of AI in Business
  • Stategy and Data Analytics
  • Fintech: Technology for Finance
  • Marketing automation and marketing intelligence
  • Neuromarketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales management Innovation
  • Sustainability: Strategies and Opportunities
  • Scalling Up: Strategies for business growth management
  • Project management techniques
  • Corporate Wellbeing: Leading Wellbeing Strategies
  • Business Agility
  • Leadership: Team development techniques


Explore new areas of knowledge and boost your employability by acquiring the competencies in the highest demand.

3 Territories to conquer

1. Strategic vision

You will obtain a strategic vision of finance, aligning it with the company's global strategy.

2. Financial instruments

You will master the techniques, instruments and tools used in business finance management.

3. Managerial leadership

You will develop the necessary skills to make financial decisions in line with the company's strategic objectives. You will learn to lead from the financial advisor's point of view.

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you. 

    • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 
    • Marketing Director 
    • Commercial Director 
    • Product Manager 
    • Brand Manager 
    • Category manager 
    • Key Account Manager 
    • Direct Marketing Manager 
    • Trade Marketing Manager 
    • Marketing Technician 
    • Commercial Technician 
  • The master's degree is preferably aimed at university graduates in the following areas:

    • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
    • Degree in Financial and Actuarial Economics
    • Degree in Accounting and Finance
    • Degree in Economics
    • Diploma in Business Science
    • Degree in Engineering or Industrial Organisation 
    • Double Degrees in Law and Business Administration and Management
    • Other degrees or official qualifications that include finance or business economics subjects in their syllabus.

    In any case, students who wish to access the master's degree with a previous qualification other than those listed above or who have not taken official master's degree programmes that include the fundamentals of these qualifications, must take complementary courses in order to improve their knowledge in basic and specific marketing management subjects. These complementary courses will be compulsory and will be taken before the first semester of the master's degree.

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Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.