Graduation Ceremony EAE Business School Madrid
The time has come to put your true potential into action. Your time at EAE Madrid has been a journey towards self-knowledge; you have faced challenges, created emotional bonds that will always accompany you, but above all you have discovered that potential that makes you unique. It is time for you to put it at the service of society, not only to become the professional you have always dreamed of, but to make the world a better place. But don't forget, this is just the beginning of another exciting journey. Are you ready to conquer your next goal? The world needs your true potential.
Frequent Questions
Thursday 29th June 2023
Palacio Vistalegre Arena (https://goo.gl/maps/UtRHf61jbhpGpDwj9)
To be confirmed. Estimated time: 18:30/21:30
At 17:00 hours
Students of EAE Madrid and EAE Distance Learning
We will notify you by email when the registration period opens on the platform. When you register, you must have your Student ID number at hand. We will send you your ID number in the registration email, but you can also it find on your Student Card. If you cannot find it, please write to us at [email protected]. If you are a Distance student, you can write to us at [email protected]
It is also important that you register using the same email address at which you want to receive the invitation. Even if it is inactive, you do not need to worry. When you register, we give you the option of adding an email address to receive all the notifications that we will send you.
We will send you the information with plenty of notice so that you can prepare all the materials required for registration. Make sure that you have all the information at hand when you register. Once you have completed the registration, you will not be able to edit the information.
The registration period ends on 13/06/23. After that date, any queries should be sent to [email protected].
It is important that you read the whole email. It contains your Student ID number. For any queries, please write to us at [email protected]. If you are a Distance student, you can write to us at [email protected].
You have invitations for two guests to accompany you to the Ceremony. You simply have to indicate this when you register.
As you are aware, the number of places at the Ceremony is limited, so we cannot guarantee that you can bring a third guest to the graduation. However, you can request an extra invitation by email to [email protected] and we will be in contact once the registration period has finished to tell you if there are any free places left. We will contact you to confirm the possibility of bringing an extra guest after the registration period closes on 22/06/23.
If you need a letter of invitation to get a visa, please contact the Academic Secretary’s Office at the campus at [email protected] and they will prepare the document for you.
To do so, they will ask you for the passport number and full names of your guests.
We recommend getting to the venue by public transport (nearest metro stations: Oporto L6 and Vista Alegre L5. Bus lines: 35, 108, 34, 118 and N17), taxi or private hire vehicle, as attendance is expected to be very high. We do not recommend coming by car as it is not easy to park nearby and the majority of the closest car parks are private.
The timetable is yet to be confirmed, but it is sure to be in the afternoon/evening. The ceremony is expected to start at 18:30, so students and guests can start arriving from 17:00 onwards. We will let you know as soon as the timetable is confirmed 100%.
The qualification certificate will be sent by certified post but not on the day of the Graduation Ceremony. This is an institutional ceremony to mark the end of the program
If you have any queries with respect to your qualification certificate, please contact the Secretary’s Office at EAE Madrid ([email protected]).
The sashes will be presented at the venue on the day of the Ceremony. The event schedule will specify the time at which the sashes will be given out. Please follow the Organizers’ instructions and the map left on each seat at all times.
The Graduation Ceremony will be streamed live. As the date approaches, we will share the link to the live stream, which you can pass on to your family and friends, and share on social media. It is important that they connect before the start of the event.
To send them the information required to access the live stream of the event.
We will send you and your guests all the information once the registration period has closed.
We are afraid not. The previous classes graduated in the respective year.
We are afraid not. Your graduation ceremony was held for the class of the year that you started your Master.